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Sage - Herbal seeds
  • Sage - Herbal seeds
  • Sage - Herbal seeds
  • Sage - Herbal seeds
  • Sage - Herbal seeds

Sage - Herbal seeds

₹ 50

Sage (Salvia officinalis) is one of the easiest perennial herbs to grow. Also known as culinary sage, this semi-shrubby plant features wooly, gray-green, aromatic, ovate leaves that stretch around 4 inches long. The leaves are commonly used fresh or dried in cooking and add an earthy and slightly peppery flavor. Spikes of blue-purple flowers appear in the summertime. Sage can be planted in the spring or fall, and it has a moderate growth rate.

Number of seeds : 20+ Delivery : All over India Time : 5 days shipping Ships through : Speed post/ professional courier

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